Our Leadership

Kendale & Tiffany Millinder are The Senior Leaders and Founders of Hill City Ministries, home of Hill City Music and Hill City Church.  
Kendale & Tiffany Millinder are The Senior Leaders and Founders of Hill City Ministries, home of Hill City Music and Hill City Church.  

Their DNA is centered in the space where worship and prayer intersect;  that is the birthing place of everything they are and do.   They carry an apostolic and prophetic mantel.  Their mandate is to advance Yahweh’s Kingdom by becoming a display of His Glory;  awakening souls, inspiring connection, and discipling hearts through the Love of Jesus.

Kendale and Tiffany are parents to a quiver full, six amazing children who keep their life filled with fun and spontaneity; teaching them how to stay innocent, remain in joy and take life one day at a time. These arrows in their quiver inspire them  to be like our Creator. Their story has been a ‘Heaven to Earth’ adventure that is continually being penned each day.  Joy, pain, sorrow and triumph are written in the pages of their life, causing the ministry flowing out of them to be an authentic and humble expression.

Seeing hearts, lives, cities, and communities awakened and healed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and restored to the love of Father God,  has beautifully ruined them for religion or anything less than fullness of Life In Christ!


This is the apostolic team that provides spiritual and organizational oversight for everything that happens at Hill City.

Kendale & Tiffany Millinder

Senior Leaders

Izzy & Bianca Galante

Senior Associate Leaders

Clint & Amárillys Hatton

Senior Leadership Advisors

The Equipping Team is made of the biblical roles of Deacons, Elders, 5-Fold Offices & Ministry Gifts

David & Selda Hollie

Men's Ministry, Prayer Ministry

Ed & April Winters

Youth, Administration

Andy & Karon Andrews

Creative & Worship Arts Directors

Leland & Randie Ward

Overseers of Outreach

Steven & Taylor Washington

Equipping Team, Teaching Team

David & Kelly Orbeck

Prophetic Evangelism

Will & Renee Vallarino

Equipping Team

Jacob Beltrand

Equipping Team, Teaching Team

Austin Daniel


Jason & Liana Rouselle

Equipping Team

Five Fold Ministry

We believe in God's design for His Church. Eph 4:11-13And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Part of God's design for a healthy and thriving church is 5 fold leadership and ministry gifts. 1 Cor 12:28, Tim 3:8-13, Titus 1:5, Rom 12:6-8 Eph 4:10-16